Friday, August 10, 2012

Start of a new year!

Hello all! 

    So much has happened this summer! I was married on July 7th so my amazing husband, Ryan. We spent our honeymoon in South Florida playing at the beach and going to Universal Studios. We just bought our first house, and we are loving our new life together!

    Well, I am two and a half weeks into my new school year at the preschool. It's been crazy so far, but fun! I have a total of 11 preschoolers in my class with some awesome parents. I am so excited to start the new school year with my new students. I feel a freshness and brand new excitement for this year. Next week we will officially start our "hard-core" (as hard-core as a preschool could be considered lol) academic program. My students know I expect them to learn learn learn while in my class!

    I hope you can use some of the ideas on here. I will be posting pics later of my past projects. I am telling you, Pinterest is amazing. And you should try it out! Follow me on pinterest :)



  1. Tammy ~ I am a blogging girl, so I will love keeping up with yours! Ours is private due to the adoption, but I would be glad to add you! I am excited for this year as well. Jackson seems to enjoy coming to school more than ever! So excited to see what he learns this year!

  2. Oh yes, send an invite for it! I am excited about this year too. I'm glad he is enjoying it more :)
