Friday, August 17, 2012

Doodle Bug

While the students were watching Leap Frog's The Letter Factory today, I started doodling and in the end designed some of my very own worksheets. I am quite proud of these! Each worksheet contains one letter of the alphabet, including a letter to trace and words that begin with the letter. I will be uploading these onto the blog very soon so they are available for you to use!

Now to home life.

      My husband unfortunately is out of work. He has been looking, looking, looking E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E! Still has not found anything :(. So, I have decided to offer tutoring services. How I will squeeze this in,  I have no idea! BUT, if it's God will, it will be done! Speaking of which, (((((((back to school))))))))) I have begun teaching the preschoolers The Lord's Prayer. I showed them The Prince of Egypt movie yesterday. I love how they love learning about Jesus. It warms my heart. I wish adults were as excited as they were. I just hope and pray that they will continue in their love for the Lord throughout their life. They are so sheltered in preschool. When they go to the "big school", it's a whole new world (hehe...Aladdin popped into mind). In the "big school" they will be faced with many trials, quite different than the norm "she took my playdough" issues. I hope that they stay strong, knowing that they are loved, smart, strong, and can do anything through Him!

You remember that as well! Just pray. I wish I could say I was in the Word as much as I should be. But as I learned in church, being "saved' isn't past tense. You weren't just saved and then bam! you're all done. No. It's a process. You do become born-again, but it is something you should always work on. It's the sanctification process. So, I'm always having to remind myself. No Tammy, you are not perfect. But God still loves ya!

Ok. Enough of the ranting. Have a blessed day! (hopefully the rain will stay away long enough for me to get in my car without getting wet :))

Love you and God bless you!

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